Last Saturday we were absolutely delighted, for the second year running, to participate in the Graduation Day celebrations of Weston College (UCW). It was the first official performance under new Musical Director, Carl Whiteoak, and it was certainly was a baptism of fire for him! There were three separate graduation ceremonies throughout the day, where over 500 students celebrated their success with proud families and friends watching. Our part of the proceedings was to entertain everyone outside in the Italian Gardens for about half an hour before each group processed (led by a jazz band) from The Winter Gardens up to St John’s Church, where the actual ceremonies took place. We then played again on their return, having been presented with their certificates.
Despite rain threatening earlier in the day, the clouds cleared and we all enjoyed the calm September warmth, which also enticed members of the public to stop, listen and watch all the obvious excitement of the students and their glowing parents. It was certainly a spectacle to see and many congratulations to them all!
It really was a terrific day (if a little tiring on the lips!) and a real honour for us to take part.
Next up for us will be the SWBBA Annual Championships in Torquay on 3rd November. No doubt Carl has already worked out his plan of action to crack the whip, and we are looking forward to working with him on the test piece ‘Renaissance’ by Peter Graham.